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Project Manager

———  DH

CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY-AFRICA’s vision is to educate and empower the next generation of African leaders and innovators by delivering a world-class educational experience. Our mission is to produce creative and technically strong engineers, who have been trained in the African context, and prepared to make transformative impact in their communities and the world.

CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY-AFRICA was established in 2011 and is the only U.S. research university offering its master’s degrees with a full-time faculty, staff and operations in Africa. Born out of a partnership between CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY-AFRICA and the Government of Rwanda, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY-AFRICA is addressing the critical shortage of high quality engineering talent required to accelerate development in Africa—home to the fastest growing workforce in the world.

CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY-AFRICA’s presence in Rwanda provides a platform to engage in Africa’s most significant opportunities and challenges through world-class education and contextually-relevant research.
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